FINCAPES-Supported Flood Risk Study in Pontianak Kicks Off with Field Survey

FINCAPES-Supported Flood Risk Study in Pontianak Kicks Off with Field Survey

Sep 02, 2024

The Civil Engineering Department of Universitas Syiah Kuala (USK) has completed a comprehensive field survey in Pontianak, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. This initiative is part of the FINCAPES Project and aims to develop flood hazard scenarios for the city.

Survey Highlights:

  • The survey involved collaboration with various local agencies, including BAPPEDA, BPS, PUPR, DLH, BPBD, and NGOs.
  • Three survey teams collected data on the Kapuas River's hydrology, drainage systems, and community vulnerability to floods.
  • Dr. Dedy Alfian, project coordinator, led the survey alongside USK lecturers, researchers, and TDMRC staff.
  • A Focus Group Discussion with community representatives concluded the survey.

USK's field survey is a crucial step in achieving these goals and ensuring a more flood-resilient future for Pontianak. Read full article here.