Integrate Gender Equality and Socio-Economic Inclusion into Social Protection related to Urban Flooding

This report, part of the Flood Impacts explores the integration of Gender Equality and Socio-Economic Inclusion (GESEI) into social protection measures related to urban flooding. The report highlights the rising flood risks due to climate change and urbanization, emphasizing the need for gender-responsive social protection systems. ​ It defines social protection as a set of policies and instruments designed to provide income support and access to goods and services, particularly during periods of insufficient income or incapacity. ​

Key vulnerabilities related to urban flooding are assessed, with a focus on gender-related vulnerabilities. ​ Women and poor men are disproportionately affected by floods due to societal gender norms, economic disparities, and limited access to resources. ​ The report also addresses the increased risk of gender-based violence, health impacts, and educational disruptions caused by flooding.

The report provides practical examples of social protection measures, including social assistance, social insurance, and social care services, that address GESEI concerns in urban flood contexts. ​ Examples include the Benazir Income Support Program in Pakistan, the Comoros Social Safety Net Project, and the Extreme Heat Income Insurance in India. ​

A checklist for designing gender-transformative and responsive social protection programs is included, emphasizing the need for frameworks that reference human rights, address gender gaps, and include specific actions to promote gender equality. ​